The February 2021 Winter Storm Uri significantly impacted Oklahomans.
As your natural gas utility provider, we are proud to have served you as safely and reliably as possible during those challenging times. By purchasing natural gas to keep gas flowing to our customers’ homes and businesses throughout Winter Storm Uri, your safety was our top priority.
What do I need to know about my bill?
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (“OCC”) approved a securitization mechanism that was developed to allow the collection of those extraordinary costs from Winter Storm Uri over several years, thereby lessening the impact on customer's monthly bills.
How will this impact my bill?
In August 2022, the “Winter Event Cost Recovery” line item was added to our customers’ bills. Option A residential customers (those who use less than 50 dekatherms of natural gas each year) now pay $4.56 a month. Option B residential customers (those who use 50 dekatherms or more of natural gas each year) now pay $7.37 a month and low-income (LIHEAP) customers continue to pay $0.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to your questions about the Winter Weather Cost Recovery
How much are residential customers having to pay?
Please see the "Winter Storm Uri Cost Recovery By the Numbers" section at the bottom of this page.
How long will I have to pay for securitization?
The securitization charge will be a standard monthly fee added to customers’ bills for the duration of the bonds’ 25-year term that was approved by the OCC in early 2022.
Are you charging a franchise fee on the securitization fee?
Oklahoma Natural Gas is following the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s guidance not to charge franchise fees or gross receipts fees on the winter weather event recovery costs. This applies to all Oklahoma utilities that are recovering these costs.
What if I have more questions?
If you have additional questions you’re not seeing here, email us at If you would prefer to speak with one of our representatives, you can reach us at 800-664-5463.
We're Here to Help!
We have a page dedicated to offering payment assistance options and programs available to Oklahoma Natural Gas customers.
Click here to visit our CARES page

How can I get more information?
We have included some frequently asked questions below for more information.
If you would prefer to speak with one of our representatives, you can reach us at 800-664-5463.
The Pipeline
Visit our Blog for more helpful information.
Gas Supply
Answers to your questions about cost of gas and how it affects your bill can be found HERE.
Securitization Blog
Learn more about the Oklahoma Corporation Commissions vote to approve our securitization mechanism in January of 2022 HERE.
The Pipeline
Our blog, The Pipeline, offers the latest news and discover articles on energy tips, energy innovation and how our employees are making a difference in the communities we serve.
Winter Storm Uri Cost Recovery By the Numbers:
As of October 28, 2024
- Residential Option A Customers Pay: $4.56
- Residential Option B Customers Pay: $7.37
- Low-Income Customers pay: $0
- Term: 25 years
- Interest Rate: 4.523% weighted average
- Total Savings: More than $800 million